step by step replacing internal map on nuvi 1xxx & 2xxx

  1. in hidden folder [garmindevice]\.System\ delete the files gmapprom.img, gmapprom.unl and gmapprom.sum after backup on PC
  2. download new unlocked image version (normal NT for 1xxx, Unicode for 2xxx and 3xxx) and copy it after extraction (gmapsupp.img or gmapprom.img) to folder [garmindevice]\.System\ - if it's named gmapsupp.img rename it to gmapprom.img (take care for exactly right name)
  3. replace *.jcv in folder [garmindevice]\.System\JCV\ with new downloaded version
  4. if exists, replace files in folder
    [garmindevice]\.System\ASR\ (only *.asr, *.srx)
    [garmindevice]\.System\SQLite\ (only biggest *.db)
    [garmindevice]\.System\G2S\ or [garmindevice]\.System\G2S\ (only some files)
    and file [garmindevice]\.System\gmap3d.img
    with new downloaded version files
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